Monthly Archives: November 2012

How Cosmetic Bonding Can Help Repair Damaged Teeth

Cosmetic bonding, a method of applying a flexible material to bond a damaged tooth, is used to harden and protect the tooth. Though, it has various qualities of cosmetic, it is also used to improve the entire look of the teeth and repair various types of damages. The process is quick and often requires a single visit to a doctor. Here, the bond is applied as the resin in the right shape of the tooth so that it can be hardened under the curing light; hence, in many cases, it does not require local anesthesia.

However, if this procedure requires local anesthesia, the dentists numb the area by injecting anesthesia into the gum area of the tooth. In the first phase, the surface of the tooth where the composite is to be applied is cleaned thoroughly to remove the accumulation of any debris or tartar as the composite needs a clean surface to bond with. After a correct shade is selected by the dentist, the patient’s tooth is kept dry by surrounding it with a latex sheet or cotton rolls and then roughened or shaped with the help of a special tool.

The surface of the tooth is then etched with a special phosphoric acid based gel that offers the correct surface for the composite to attach to. Here, the bonding agent is applied to etched tooth surface and is apparent to the special light resource that is utilized to activate the composite to set and harden. To keep the results acquired by this method, it is important to practice the correct oral hygiene. Maintain your teeth by daily brushing and flossing, and if you stay in the San Diego area, schedule regular cleaning by visiting experienced dentists in San Diego.

By selecting a reputed dentist in San Diego area, you will be able to repair your damaged teeth without any complications. To get a free consultation, call on 619-265-0566.